3 Signs you could attract more free followers on social media than you have

News 03:05 May 2024:

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Did you know that most people don’t utilize half the potential they have on influencing others? You probably deserve to have hundreds of free followers on instagram, but the only reason you aren’t there yet is probably because you aren’t putting as much effort or because you think you already have enough followers. Take a moment and ask yourself, do you attract more than one hundred comments on you every Facebook post? If yes, and you have less than five thousand followers on this network, you are underachieving.

Look back at most of your Instagram posts, how many likes and hearts do you receive on average? A thousand, two thousand or more likes mean that you could actually attract as many as one hundred thousand and beyond free followers on this network. The only problem with many people is that they tone down on the number of posts they make per day once they get into their comfort zone. And if again you like interacting with your social media users, you can easily surpass your current target for free followers.